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Engineering lighting plans, technical specs and more

Welcome at Maaspoort

Here you will find everything you need.
With an unimaginable love for theatre and music, an eye for talent, youth, the future, a large dose of guts and the ability to see the world through the eyes of others, we manage to seduce, amaze, embrace and move you. Welcome to Maaspoort. Here we celebrate culture and life with unadulterated joie de vivre.

Catering, parking, loading and unloading
Technical checklist
House rules
Room capacity
Technical Specifications

loading dock

Maaspoort has three loading docks with the following dimensions: 16.5m deep x 4.35m high. The loading dock is 11.4m wide in total. There are 3 dock levellers, 2 unloading plates, 4 plate carts and 4 pump trucks. View photos of the loading and unloading situation in Maaspoort here.

Frans Boermans hall

Floor plan
Stage plan
Lighting plan | From stage
Lighting plan | From the auditorium
Seating plan
More information about the Frans Boermans hall

Loading and unloading of the Frans Boermans hall is done via a goods lift with the following dimensions: 7m deep x 2.7m high x 2m wide. The maximum load is 3000kg.

theatre technology team

General 31 (0)77 320 72 22
Technical lists & Riders techniek@maaspoort.nl
Manager technique building and management | Ton Lamberts | t.lamberts@maaspoort.nl | 31 (0)6 229 227 29
Coordinator technique / plv. manager | Tom Janssen | t.janssen@maaspoort.nl | 31 (0)6 270 549 40
Planning & (performance) technique | Alexandra Jansen | a.jansen@maaspoort.nl | 31 (0)6 427 663 51

regular working hours theatre technology team

Break between 12.30pm and 1pm
Dinner between 6pm and 7pm

address artist entrance

Peperstraat 27
5911 HA, Venlo

address loading dock

Peperstraat 31
5911 HA, Venlo

main entrance address

Old Market 30
5911 HH, Venlo

Inschrijfformulier schoolvoorstelling


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