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Parties, dinners, drinks in Maaspoort

Parties, dinners, drinks in Maaspoort wonderful location for parties, dinners and drinks

parties, dinners, get-togethers

Are you looking for a special location for your event, meeting, wedding or (staff) party? Maaspoort is a top location with an inspiring theatre atmosphere where all your meetings will become unforgettable memories.

3 theatre halls/4foyers/4meeting rooms/rooftopbar/restaurant/hotel
✔ Impressive location on the Maas
✔ Space for events for up to 3500 people
✔A top-notch kitchen full of passion and creativity
✔ A parking garage right next to the theatre
✔ Within walking distance of the railway station
✔ Personal guidance with attention for your party, dinner or drinks

Are you curious which room suits your needs? Use the rental help and find all the information you are looking for. Curious about the rooms? Check out the virtual 360 tour or get an impression of the possibilities at Maaspoort in the photo album.

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Cases en gespecialiseerde eventmanager


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Veronique Haenen – Schmitz

Ik help graag bij het organiseren van een inspirerend congres of bijzondere bijeenkomst. Stel hieronder uw vraag en ik neem zo snel mogelijk contact op. Veronique Haenen - Schmitz neem contact op


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