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05 juni

'Le Villi' is an unforgettable dance opera full of passion, love and mysticism. Giacomo Puccini based his first opera on the ancient Central European myth of the 'Vilja': young women who died of a broken heart. Earlier, this myth was used to create the world-famous ballet Giselle. Especially for Opera Zuid's production, Dutch composer Karmit Fadael composed a prelude, 'Animus', on the theme of the dark forest as a metaphor for getting lost in life.

Anna and Roberto celebrate their engagement, but then he has to pick up an inheritance in town. 'Non ti scordar di me!' Don't forget me, young Anna cries after her beloved Roberto, fearing he will not return from this trip. But Roberto assures her that he will return, after which they will marry. Winter sets in and the wait for her lover becomes too much for Anna. She succumbs to a broken heart. On his journey back, not knowing that Anna has died, Roberto is seduced. Once home, the ghost of Anna appears before him. She has become a 'Villi'. In vain, Roberto prays for forgiveness, but Anna is determined to avenge him.

'Le Villi & Animus' transports you to a world where love and loss meet in an enchanting interplay of music, drama and dance.

Dreya Weber

To direct 'Le Villi & Animus' , Opera Zuid has chosen none other than experienced choreographer, actress, aerialist and producer Dreya Weber (known from Pink!). She was previously seen with impressive performances in Opera Zuid's 'A Midsummer Night's Dream and Lady in the Dark'.

With this opera dansant, Dreya makes her opera directing debut. "I see Le Villi & Animus as a timeless narrative about grief, and how one wrong choice can change the course of life. In addition, the opera is also about the connection between man and nature and the possibility of forgiveness. We are part of a greater whole and cycles of life and death, with the possibility of renewal. This interpretation makes the story more human, timeless and universal."


Opera dansant

'Le Villi' is an opera dansant: the dance completely intertwined with the story, the mythology, the dramaturgy ánd the music. Dreya says: "Puccini's music tells the story beautifully, it is a relatively short opera that takes the audience from engagement to dying of grief in one hour. I think the visual aspect helps to make this narrative even more understandable and human. I want to illustrate the music with dance, movement and visual narration. For instance, during the arias, I can portray the profound love between the characters Anna and Roberto by showing their love story, their habits, their games, their deep affection for each other. I want the audience to feel how Anna suffers, how much she misses Roberto when he is away, so that they really understand when she dies of grief."

'Le Villi & Animus' lasts about 80 minutes and is sung in Italian with Dutch and English surtitles.

combine this performance with an arrangement

TheaterDiner Bistro de Luif
€ 34,00 meer informatie
Vlaai arrangement
€ 6,55 meer informatie
Borrel arrangement
€ 9,95 meer informatie
Voorprogramma Opera Zuid
€ 0,00 meer informatie
€ 0,00 meer informatie

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