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05 februari

Scapino Ballet Rotterdam is reviving the successful production Cathedral, an evening with Arvo Pärt by Spanish dance and theatre maker Marcos Morau. Combining artistic disciplines, extraordinary design and inventive movement language, Morau is one of the leading dance artists in European theatre. Cathedral depicts a world where life is dominated by digital technologies and where we are increasingly losing each other. Using the mystical music of Arvo Pärt as a heartbeat, Morau and the dancers explore what makes us human and our relationship with nature. Morau and his team of Spanish artists design a retro-futuristic stage setting with life-size video projections. In this alienating world, Arvo Pärt's music offers an oasis of calm. Important elements in the design are theatrical and contemporary fashion-inspired costumes. The encounter with a metre-high meteor on stage marks the enigmatic beginning of this extraordinary dance performance.

NRC ★★★★ | With their bodies fragmented to the phalanges, the twelve dancers of
Scapino move virtuoso."
Volkskrant ★★★★ | "Dance by rising star Marcos Morau to music by Arvo Pärt: a wondrous
combination that turns out powerfully. Cathedral is a penetrating and glacially consistent
choreography. Morau creates a bizarre, futuristic world without logic but with
Trouw ★★★★ | "The movement language is surprisingly earthy and has a beautiful melancholic underlay
brought out excellently by the Scapino dancers. On several
on several fronts reminiscent of Stanley Kubrick's film '2001: A Space Odyssey'."
Musicalnews | "From the first second you are swept into the wonderment. (...) It is so
incredibly beautiful."
Movement Exposed | "The group pieces, in which everyone moves as a single organised machine
moves, are mesmerising."

combine this performance with an arrangement

TheaterDiner Bistro de Luif
€ 34,00 meer informatie
Vlaai arrangement
€ 6,55 meer informatie
Borrel arrangement
€ 9,95 meer informatie
Voorprogramma Scapino Ballet
€ 0,00 meer informatie
€ 0,00 meer informatie

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