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Friends of the Maaspoort

Vrienden en Fans van Maaspoort help make theatre accessible for everyone

With your support:

  • children from the region can go to performances for free through our youth fund.
  • there remains a broad and varied programme with high-quality performances.
  • talents from the region get the chance to develop further.

Moreover, you get exclusive extras such as priority ticket sales, discounts and much more!

As a Friend, you get:

  • The opportunity to book tickets for the new theatre season from Wednesday 28 May.
  • Two free tickets for a free Friends performance*, you will receive more info on 1 September 2024.
  • Gold grade tickets for the price of a 1st grade ticket.**
  • Pay no reservation fee (equivalent to €1 euro per ticket | maximum €5 per reservation)***
  • Automatic early booking discount** on almost all performances (worth € 2 per ticket).
  • Every quarter exclusive deals in your mailbox with substantial discounts on selected performances****.
  • A discovery for only € 9.50 per ticket.
  • The possibility to exchange tickets for free up to 2 days before the performance (worth € 3 per ticket).
  • First updates on new performances and additional bookings.
  • You book a minimum of 4 performances (the Out of Region and Events genres and performances at external venues do not count).

Save € 141 or more per year as a Friend - that's easily 3 times the cost of your membership paid back!

Become a Friend of Maaspoort for €50 here for the 2025-2026 theatre season
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As a Fan, you get:

  • The opportunity to order tickets for the new theatre season from Monday 2 June.
  • Automatic early booking discount** on almost all performances (worth €2 per ticket).
  • Every quarter exclusive deals in your mailbox with substantial discounts on selected performances****.
  • A discovery for only € 9.50 per ticket.
  • The possibility to exchange tickets for free up to 2 days before the performance (worth € 3 per ticket).
  • First updates on new performances and additional bookings.
  • You book a minimum of 4 performances (the Out of Region and Events genres and performances at external venues do not count).

Save € 48 or more per year as a Fan - that's more than twice the cost of your membership recouped!

Become a Fan of Maaspoort for the 2025-2026 theatre season here for €20
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good to know

Both memberships are personal. In March or April each year, you will receive an e-mail about the renewal of your membership. You can also become a Friend for Life and we will automatically renew your membership every year.
Do you no longer wish to be a Friend? Then please contact us with reference to Termination of Friend Membership via info@maaspoort.nl.

extra support

Would you like to give us extra support? Every donation is welcome and greatly appreciated. Read more about private and corporate donations here.

* You will receive information on how to redeem the Friends offer on 1 September.
Early booking discounts are valid until 1 September. If no discounts apply, this will be indicated with the performance on the website.
*** Booking fees do apply if you use the "FOUR you along" discount or if you order a series.
**** The exclusive deals are not valid on tickets already purchased.

Inschrijfformulier schoolvoorstelling


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