Governance code cultuur
the culture governance code
The Maaspoort subscribes to the Governance Code Culture. The organisation's governance model is the board-of-supervisors model. Supervision is the primary role of the supervisory board. Indeed, the supervisory board was created as a body within the De Maaspoort Venlo Foundation for this purpose. The Governance Code for Culture provides a normative framework for good management and supervision in cultural organisations. It shows the responsible directors and supervisors to the outside world what the usual standards are for good management in the cultural sector. The code does not replace personal responsibility and critical reflection within organisations. No, in addition to the normative framework, the code aims to stimulate critical reflection within and between management and supervision.
composition supervisory board and additional functions
Mr. Rohan Bruggink
Ms Cornelia Haffmans - Member Gesellschaft der Freunde und Förderer der Folkwang Universität der Künste e.V. (Essen)
Mr. Stijn Engelen
Mr. Joan Meeder
The Supervisory Board receives no remuneration for its work
managing director
Mr Leon Thommassen
retirement schedule
Supervisory Board membership has a maximum term of four years. Retiring members may be reappointed, but for no more than two 4-year periods. After that, membership ends and members are not eligible for reappointment under the articles of association.
Mr. Rohan Bruggink - retiring and statutorily eligible for reappointment in 2027
Ms. Cornelia Haffmans - retiring and statutorily no longer eligible in 2025
Mr. Stijn Engelen - retiring and statutorily no longer eligible in 2026
Mr. Joan Meeder - retiring and statutorily no longer eligible in 2028
profile Supervisory Board
De Maaspoort Theatre & Events in Venlo is a multifunctional theatre with an important regional function. Characteristic are the large number of programmes by amateurs, often in cooperation with professionals, and the special programming. The budget is around EUR 5 million and the theatre employs 17 people, excluding flexible deployment. In addition, over 39 volunteers work as audience and artist guides in the Public Service Department. In recent years, De Maaspoort has taken a close look at its organisation and professionalised it. Since 2004, it has worked according to the Supervisory Board model.
The Supervisory Board supervises the policy and management of the foundation and uses the Cultural Governance Code as a guideline for its working method. The Supervisory Board will consist of five people and generally meets four times a year or as many times as necessary.
The Supervisory Board is composed in such a way that:
- there is sufficient affinity with theatre and the objective of the foundation in particular;
- a broad social connection and a functional network are achieved;
- sufficient diversity in terms of social backgrounds, expertise and disciplines, including financial-economic, legal, political, social and business backgrounds;
- the members of the Supervisory Board operate independently and critically with regard to each other and the Management Board;
- an adequate sounding board function is provided for the Management Board
The profile for a member of the Supervisory Board includes at least the following aspects:
- general managerial qualities and experience;
- a proper balance between involvement and administrative distance;
- the ability to assess the foundation's policy and the functioning of the management;
- the ability to exercise advice and supervision in a team context;
- the ability to form an outline opinion on matters submitted by the management.
- working in a management position in or close to final responsibility for a company or government institution in or with the commercial, social or cultural sector.
A balanced composition in terms of age and gender is sought.